7 Ways Your Weekend May Be Undoing Your Hard Work

7 Habits That Can Sabotage Your Health Esteem Routine on the Weekend

Between juggling work, health, family, and the quest for a cure for cancer, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. You deserve a break, especially during the weekend when you can relax and have some stress-free fun.

However, your weekend habits can sometimes undo all the hard work you've put in during the week to stay healthy and fit. How can you incorporate recreation into your Health Esteem routine that rewards your efforts?

Let's take a look at seven common habits that many of us fall into once the workweek is over.

1. Staying Up Too Late

woman staring at phone in bed

According to Detroit-based physician Partha Nandi, M.D., staying up late on the weekends can have negative effects on your body. Research shows that even just two hours of extra sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain and poor glucose regulation.

Not getting enough rest on the weekends can impact your focus, attention, and energy levels for the upcoming week, warns Rusty Gregory, C.S.C.S.

2. Letting Cheat Meals Snowball

While a cheat meal is okay once in a while, it's easy for it to spiral into binge-eating and unhealthy habits. It's essential to be mindful of your food choices even on weekends to maintain a balanced diet.

3. Giving Yourself Too Much Freedom

man reaching for another slice of pizza

Having a structured plan for your weekend activities, including diet, exercise, and sleep, can help you stay on track with your health goals.

4. Overscheduling Yourself

Too many social engagements and activities can lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices, affecting your progress and overall well-being. It's important to balance socializing with self-care and relaxation.

5. Hiding Inside All Weekend

woman watching tv in bed

Avoid spending the entire weekend indoors as it can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Get some fresh air, soak up the sun, and engage in outdoor activities to boost your mood and energy levels.

6. Drinking One Too Many

Excessive alcohol consumption on weekends can derail your health goals and lead to weight gain. It's important to drink in moderation and be mindful of the impact of alcohol on your diet and overall well-being.

7. Taking Care of Your Kids — And Not Yourself

mom doing laundry while holding child

Parents often prioritize their children's activities on weekends, neglecting their own health and well-being. It's important to plan ahead for family events, prioritize self-care, and make healthy choices even in busy times.

By being mindful of these common weekend habits that can sabotage your health esteem routine, you can make the most of your weekends while staying on track with your health and fitness goals.

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