10 Food Swaps the ZOE Community Can’t Do Without

To improve your health, you can make small swaps in your diet that add up to big changes. These "smart swaps" involve replacing less healthy foods with healthier, equally delicious alternatives. For example, swapping peanut butter cups for dark chocolate with peanut butter can provide heart-healthy polyphenols and protein. Choosing Greek yogurt with berries and almond cookies instead of traditional pudding can offer gut-friendly bacteria and polyphenols.

Other smart swaps include opting for whole fruit over juice to avoid blood sugar spikes, choosing grains and seeds over store-bought muesli for a smaller blood sugar response, and replacing oatmeal with yogurt and berries for a more satisfying breakfast. Snacking on nuts instead of biscuits can provide essential nutrients and help keep you full for longer.

Additionally, selecting pasta with higher fiber content, such as edamame bean or pea pasta, can support gut health and provide a healthier alternative to traditional pasta. Experimenting with different flours, such as chickpea or pea flour, can also add variety to your diet and allow for quick and easy flatbreads or pizza bases. Making these small changes to your diet can lead to significant improvements in your overall health.

From Baking to Cooking: Smart Food Swaps to Boost Your Health

"I used to steer clear of making cakes, but now I've found success by combining almond and coconut flours in top-rated cake recipes."


Sarah: "If almond and coconut flours work well for you in terms of cost, availability, and taste, they can enhance the nutritional value of certain dishes.

However, don't forget that traditional flour can still be part of a healthy meal when paired with other nutritious ingredients. 

For instance, when making pizza, consider using a high-quality passata tomato sauce, extra virgin olive oil, mozzarella cheese, and vegetables for a wholesome and delicious outcome."

9. Embracing Full-Fat Greek Yogurt

"I ditched the low-fat flavored yogurt with additives and switched to full-fat Greek yogurt."


Sarah: "Choosing full-fat Greek yogurt over its low-fat counterparts is a wise choice. Fat plays a key role in both texture and flavor in foods.

When fat is removed from products, manufacturers often compensate with additives, the long-term effects of which are still unclear. In contrast, full-fat Greek yogurt is rich in protein, free from artificial ingredients, and contains beneficial gut bacteria, making it a healthier option."

10. Incorporating Beans into Pasta Dishes

"I now replace half of the pasta in my dishes with chickpeas or beans to stay satisfied for longer."


Sarah: "Substituting pasta with chickpeas or beans is a great way to increase fiber intake and support gut health if you enjoy the taste. A study I was involved in demonstrated that adding chickpea powder to bread can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote feelings of fullness."

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At ZOE, we believe in enjoying a variety of foods without restrictions. By making smart swaps like these, you can diversify your diet, promote overall health, and explore new ingredients that could become your new favorites.